

Diane’s workshops are intended for both the novice and the experienced. They have been created based on what many clients are looking for. Diane will facilitate her workshops in various settings including, wellness centers, yoga studios, and personal homes and her office space.

Workshop Descriptions

Meditation Skills and Techniques  This Workshop is designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of meditation and demonstrate basic skills that you can apply towards any meditation practice.  It is intended for those who want to experience meditation for the first time, need help overcoming obstacles, or want to start a meditation practice.

Participants leave with a solid understanding of how to calm themselves and bring peace into  their lives. This workshop is the foundation of any meditation practice leaving you feeling confident about bringing meditation into your life. We focus on the Mind-Body connection, how to prepare, breathing techniques, relaxation methods, and how to overcome obstacles, concerns of “doing it right”, and trying too hard.

After this workshop you will understand how natural and simple mediation can be and you can consciously be able to bring meditation into your everyday life; your mind will be clearer, your intuition stronger, and your stress and tension will start to melt away.

In this workshop you will practice:

  •     How to focus on breath
  •     Body and mind relaxation 
  •     Being peacefully guided in meditation
  •     How to deepen a mediation
  •     Recognizing resistance 
  •     Centering Techniques
  •     Awareness of the mind/body connection

Deep Focused Meditation This workshop is truly a powerful and life changing class. You gain  skills that you can use for the rest of your life; creating the life that you desire. At certain times in our lives we may need to have more courage, release anger, be more playful, stop alcohol, understand and release grief, build self-esteem, improve a relationship, become more abundant, etc. and the skills in this workshop can help you to do just that. 

This is a form of meditation that helps you go deep into the subconscious mind. When you reach the subconscious mind, you move past your conscious awareness and go to the source of you own power, wisdom and rich inner potential. This allows you to manifest your life’s desires leading to a fuller more meaningful life.

During this workshop you will learn how to create and record your unique personalized meditation. You will learn how to combine a clear mental picture of what you desire with an elevated positive emotion. You learn to eliminate any negative emotions connected with your desires and you associate what you want with the belief that you already have it. This is the corner stone of the workshop. There are no boundaries with the subconscious mind. This is where you create and manifest and then you can bring that back into your ordinary consciousness, act upon it, thereby transforming your life.

This workshop will help you:

  •     Clarify your intentions
  •     Recognize resistances vs. blocks
  •     Know the power of your subconscious mind
  •     Create positive life changes
  •     Learn how to relax
  •     Deepen your mediation
  •     Use creative visualization
  •     Amplify images and emotions
  •     Learn how to write and record a personal meditation

Creating a Meaningful Life  This workshop is designed for those who want to identify their greatest joy and purpose in life; with an understanding that they can approach life with that passion. They leave with a sense of empowerment, knowing that they can create life based on their ideals, values and belief.

This workshop takes you through an extensive process of uncovering what you truly believe and value. You will review your life through contemplative exercises revealing the moments in your life when you were filled with joy, exceptionally creative, were moved deeply or when you’ve had extreme moments of clarity. You will understand the very best of who you are revealing your natural talents and gifts. Your deepest self will be revealed and you can start to live the life you were born to live. 

This workshop helps you identify and understand the difference between your passions, gifts, talents and life purpose or mission. Once identified, you can build your life creating flow and a balance.