

Discovering your deepest, most authentic self can begin with taking a meditation workshop and starting a daily meditation practice; it can also become a deep journey of self-discovery.  

There are many paths to inner wisdom and peace. Diane helps people awaken and live life to their highest potential, with meaning and purpose.


  • Individual Coaching and Counseling
  • Guided – Groups or Individual
  • Creating Personalized Meditations
  • Workshops


  • Past Life Regression
  • Inner Wisdom Hypnosis

Corporate Wellness

  • Corporate Meditation Workshop
  • Health and Wellness Fairs
  • Retreats
  • Guided Meditation

                         o Lunch Time

                         o Before/After Hours

                         o Executive/Management 

Workshop Services

  • Meditation Skills and Techniques
  • Deep Focused Meditation
  • Creating a Meaningful Life 



Meditation can help you create a life that feels more balanced, abundant and fulfilling. The benefits to meditation are numerous and varied. 

Meditation is independent of religion or belief. It is a path to well-being: physically, mentally and spiritually. Many of us seek to reduce stress and anxiety, others want to be more centered and healthy and then some of us feel a need to become more intuitive and get in touch with our deeper, spiritual side. 

The practice of mediation does not have to be complicated. In fact, it can be simple and yet remain powerful and beneficial.

Closing your eyes and becoming aware of your breath for just a few minutes can relax the body and mind enough to lower blood pressure and reduce stress. And being still in meditation allows you to sit in peace and to be in harmony with your spirit. But more than that; meditation provides an opportunity to connect with your true self, your spiritual purpose and what is known as the universal knowledge. With this comes a deep inner knowing or recognition of your truth and fundamental goodness.

Personal Meditation Coaching

Diane will guide you as you develop your own personalized practice. As a meditation coach, she helps people integrate the Eastern philosophies of inner peace and oneness with the highly active Western world and mindset. She also understands the mental and emotional blocks we create, such as overactive or “monkey mind,” and gives you tools to move through these obstacles and allow meditation to work for you. 

There are many different types of meditation, including guided imagery/visualization, deep focused meditation, walking meditation, mindful meditations, inquiry meditation, etc. and Diane can help you discover the methods that most resonate with you. She will also introduce you to meditations that promote gratitude, forgiveness, self-love, abundance, creativity, etc.

In addition, she can work with you to design personalized meditations. They can be self-guided or guided to aid you in transforming your life. 

Guided Meditation 

Diane guides meditation for both individuals and groups. She has written numerous meditations several address: stress, anxiety, pain, relaxation, health, anger, fears, change, procrastination, joy, gratitude, love, clarity, Chakra balancing, and self-esteem. She also creates personalized meditations. 

With guided meditation you only need to listen and follow Diane’s voice. She brings you into a state of relaxation with the use of guided imagery and creative visualization.

Corporate Meditation 

Designed specifically for business group settings with a high focus on techniques for stress reduction and calming the mind. This promotes clearer thinking and healthier employees. (Please see Corporate Services)

For more information on the Meditation services Diane offers please contact her directly at or use the contact page.




Diane Posko is a Certified Hypnotherapist, CHt, specializing in Past Life Regression Hypnosis and Inner Wisdom Hypnosis. 

Past Life Regression Hypnosis

Past Life Regression (PLG) is a self-discovery tool which taps into the memories of your subconscious mind. By accessing these memories, you can bring into your awareness past life events that may be influencing and affecting you today.

To identify whether a past life may be influencing you, you may look at the fears you have that don’t make any logical sense, you may see patterns in your life that continue over and over, or you may have odd behaviors that you’ve had ever since you can remember. 

You may ask questions as:

  •      Why is this happening again?
  •      What did I do to deserve this?
  •      Why can’t I seem to move past this?

You may have a:

  •      Like me complex
  •      Guilt complex 
  •      Low self-esteem or 
  •      Wonder why you always feel like you’re not good enough

With a PLG session, your past and patterns can be witnessed and encountered safely from the viewpoint of the subconscious. 

You are guided to:

  •      Forgive
  •      Release Anger
  •      Release Pain
  •      Shed Guilt
  •      Let go of any unfinished business left in that lifetime that may be affecting you today

Once witnessed, you are encouraged to let go of the past, taking only the lessons and knowledge with you. You can then release the behavior, change the pattern or eliminate the fear. 

A PLG session uses the “mind awake, body asleep” state of consciousness. Diane uses methods to allow your body to rest and relax which allows your mind to also relax. Once you are relaxed, she deepens your state to allow you to reach the depths of your subconscious mind.

Evaluating your past lives may allow you to make better progress in this current life not only by releasing difficult and unexplained fears, behaviors, and patterns but also to help you understand and strengthen relationships, release unhealthy relationships, or  see talents you possess that have remained latent in this life. 

Inner Wisdom Hypnotherapy

Most hypnotherapy sessions involve suggestions given to clients, based on their perceived needs. But Diane believes that YOU are the best source for your own healing and knowledge. The rich source of wisdom a person can obtain from the depths of their own mind is invaluable and almost always right on target.

Diane uses methods to encourage your body to rest and relax, which also allows your mind to relax. Once you are calmed and relaxed, she deepens your state to allow you to reach your subconscious mind. In this “mind awake, body asleep” state of consciousness, you are invited to investigate the source of your concerns (smoking, weight loss, stress, anxiety, fears, anger, etc.) working to bring out information and emotions that are already in your mind’s consciousness. Then, using your own wisdom, she skillfully guides you in uncovering the best ways to achieve a successful outcome.

*Group Past Life Regressions are available upon request

For more information on Past Life Regression or Inner Wisdom Hypnotherapy contact Diane directly at or use the contact page.